Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Package from France

This week Hitty Pearl got a long awaited package from France. Postponed by the eruption of an Icelandic volcano, the package was eagerly awaited. Last night her person finished a Becassine print dress for her from the fabric that arrived. She is definitely a lucky girl to be wearing this dress. Here is a photo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hitty's walk in the woods

We're having an unusual spring in the Midwest and Hitty headed out in her spring finery to get a breath of fresh air. Flowers are her delight and she found some gorgeous Bleeding Hearts to walk under in her trek.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Spring is finally here in the Midwest. Dear Hitty Pearl has nearly tripled her wardrobe of dresses these past few months. So many wonderful comments about her own dresses that she has started a wee shop of her own called 'HITTY CHIC' Frocks for Hitty. She spends time going from quilt store to quilt store peeking from her person's pocket and pointing out suitable fabrics. She's reminded often of the overstocked stash at home. Possibly she'll be able to amble around the yard and pose for some seasonal photos today.
Here are some recent photos of her frocks.