Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hitty's newest dress

Hitty Pearl thinking winter is fast approaching has dug into her fall fabric stash and picked out a brightly colored leaf print and yarn to match for a shawl . That is how cold she is feeling. Her outfit was finished last night and she posed for it today. A sunny blustery fall day but at least the rain has stopped.
Stay warm and dry

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Winter encroaching

Hitty Pearl has a new sister. A handcarved Hitty by Stonedragon aka Connie ? ... Hitty Pearl insists still on being the top model though and the yet unnamed Hitty spends most of her time in Hitty Pearl's bed in her room box.
Snow is threatening early this year so the Hittys got a new shawl this weekend. I used striped sock yarn and I'm not entirely happy with the colors as they knit out.
Here are the newest dresses for the Hittys. One in a whaling print skirt and one a couple of acorn prints. They fell a kinship to the 'tree' themed prints.
Stay warm and dry these rainy cool days.