Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hitty Pearl is soon to get a new room of her own instead of camping out on the wicker yarn storage hamper with all of her furntiture all around her bed. Her room box is having the floors stained and sealed this weekend and papered next week. She has been so patient. This week she got a yo yo quilt of vibrant colors to fit her bed complete with lace dustruffle. Last week she got a sewing stand, but alas no little machine yet so it will be her night table for awile.
She has been modeling for her owner's sewing efforts and hates to see all the lovely clothes being mailed out to other little Hittys so she was rewarded with a new quilt.
Spring has finally hit the midwest and she has been enjoying the lovely flowers on the deck.
Happy spring to all.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Emerging from 'Undercover'

I joyfully emerged from my box from American Kit Company in the depths of January winter weather this year. My dress partially completed was finished and the shopping ever since has been a daily experience. My owner has a small leather oval trunk, won as a door prize at a NIADA convention in Chicago full of clothes for me. Knit shawls, woolen capes, and many cotton dresses. Then my toy box is a Nantucket straw purse that is bursting at the seams. I make many trips with her shopping tucked away in her purse pocket in case anything looks my size.
Yesterday we hit a bonanza, felt formed hats in pastels and tiny wire hangers for my dresses.
I'm named after a favorite Aunt of hers, so feel honored to have the name carried on.
Right now I'm checking out a room box just for me. I have a new bed with a quilt, and a traditional light blue settle, and other furniture is in the works. Also I have a big handbraided round rug. It's so fun to think small.
Hitty Pearl